



Continuity for children’s channel, program bumpers and titles.
Broadcasting from Portugal, PANDA is one of our long-standing clients. For several years we have fully enjoyed the playful fun of creating pieces for this children’s channel.

Up until 2011, the letters in PANDA were the main protagonists, jumping around and experiencing great adventures in glorious technicolor. We just love telling stories! Starting in 2011, we still get to create stories but the focus is slightly different. Now the story is the lead-up to the PANDA logo which finishes each ident.

Client contact and production: María Borrás
Creative Director: Albert Corberó
Art direction: Albert Corberó
Animation and design: Albert Corberó
3D: Marc Garcia, Arie Sztajnworc and Jordi Cabeza
Music: Larry Garcia for MULTICANAL

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